Last week, we heard that Circles.Life has been giving out some beta testers 5G SIMs to test out their 5G plan which runs on top of the M1 5G SA network.
While browsing through the website, Circles.Life have finally made it official by posting out the limited offer. It is 50 GB at S$25/mth. It comes with 300 mins talktime and free caller ID.
From the pricing, it looks like you can also choose to upgrade your existing Circles.Life to 5G by topping up $7/mth to your existing plan.
As for the price, it is competitive to players from Singtel’s MVNO which are offering a 5G NSA network with is not truly 5G. If you want a true 5G SA network, M1 and Circles.Life offers it now. The other operator is Starhub which offer a 12 mth contractual plan.
M1 on the hand seems to have cheaper plans and offers 80 GB ($17.95) or 100 GB ($19.95) for their 5G plans. The thing to note is that caller id and 5G is only valid for 6 mths, after which these 2 VAS are chargable.
Take note that 5G plans are not available on e-sim format (yet).
So what is your choice ?